The owners buy gravel that has crushed concrete in it, which leads to lots of sand being brought into the house and into the car. We bought some of the pine needle bales and spread them around and then used some carpet to lay under where we park the car leading up to the door to try and stop the mess. We'll see how it works.
Our little walks around Crossbow Lake have allowed us to see lots of different wildlife. I love the turtles and finally got a few pictures.
This little otter was trying to be very sneaky, but I got a picture of him anyway!
While we are all challenged with the escalating demands on our time, the little things that help to make our days very sweet continue for each of us. The next pictures are case in point. We all enjoy the humor in the sketches we find on the white boards.
Our trio of AP's find time to leave their mark. I finally found out which one was the artist and then teased him that he must not have enough to do.
On Friday we opened two new apartments. One was on a third floor and the other was on a second floor. Thankfully we had four elders who worked with us through both of the move-ins. We took them out to lunch as a thank you! Next week I have three more apartments to open and probably a fourth if all goes well.
Transfers are May 1, and the numbers of incoming missionaries are far exceeding the numbers of outgoing! There are so many wonderful new missionaries to meet. It is an exciting time. Missionary conversations often revolve around all of us being in the field during this time of incredible expansion in missions and in numbers of missionaries. We are so thankful for the privilege of being a part of it.
Finally, I would like to leave a scripture with you. Doyle and I are currently reading the New Testament. This verse caught my attention and gave pause for reflection.
"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." Colossians 3:2
Hope everyone has a great week filled with love, smiles and hugs.
Love Y'all.
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